Digital Corporate Art
Digital Corporate Art
I'm Ed. I live in the Pacific Northwest
and my business is visualizing your imagery and animation ideas.
Dive in. Poke around. There's plenty to see.
Latest News
I have a new book on sale!
Gold Award For Cartooning
in Illustration West 62 Competition!
The Illustration West 62 show  sponsored by the Society Of Illustrators of Los Angeles has chosen my comic entitled "Barkegaard" for a Gold Award.
The comic was originally published in issue 27 of The American Bystander, whose editor, Mike Gerber, I owe a huge thank you to for urging me to push
my art to a higher, and funnier, level.

Click to read the winning cartoon!

Dec. 28 - Honored with "Member of The Week!"
The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles has blessed me with the  recognition of "Member of the Week." Woohoo! Thanks!
Hot off the press is my latest book,
Buckshot Sugar Plums and Other Tales"
A collection of mostly true comics and cartoons of crazy humorous stories taken from experiences in my life or those of friends and family.
Buckshot Sugar Plums and Other Tales Book

Buckshot Sugar Plums available from Amazon

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